Thursday, February 9, 2017

Meet FREEWAY star Sarah Baskin

Sarah Baskin
Name: Sarah Baskin
Hometown: Montreal

Tell us (2-3 sentences) about your role in Freeway.
I play Rachel’s Inner Voice. The inner voice to me represents that instinctive, quiet (sometimes not-so-quiet) voice of truth that gnaws away at you until you decide to listen to it.

How did you decide to become an actress?
To be honest - I’m not sure that was a decision I made exactly. I just followed my love of theater and kept studying acting and being in plays and then realized I was an actor. There was no “moment”. I just really enjoy the art of exploring humanity through storytelling.

What inspires you?
So many things. Here are a few. Really authentic self-expression in art (all the mediums). Dance - all sorts of dance - in particular: contemporary and flamenco. People who are unabashedly themselves - and not at the expense of others. Kindness. Motherhood in NYC. Cheryl Strayed. Vedic philosophy. My talented friends & family.

What do you wish you’d known before you became an actor?
“Perfection” is not only unattainable but also not that interesting.

Three words to describe your experience in Freeway.
Fun. Collaborative. Witty.

What’s next?

Your guess is as good as mine!

Learn more about Sarah Baskin at Twitter, Instagram, IMDb and Sarah's website.

3 more chances to see FREEWAY! Grab your tickets Eclectics Evening of Shorts X: Boxers & Briefs. See you at the show!

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